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About Us

Based in the Waikato, CW Chartered Accountants tailor accounting services to suit the individual needs of SME businesses.  We help businesses develop their accounting skills and understanding, to empower them to better control their finances.

Business partner Sharon Crocombe-Woodward has over 20 years spent supporting business owners as a Chartered Accountant.  She understands the struggles of business-owners.  

Joining Sharon on the accounting team is Prabhjot Kaur.

A valued and trusted advisor to her clients, Director Sharon’s qualifications include a Certificate of Public Practice (CPP), member of the Australia and New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants (CA ANZ), Chartered Accountant (CA) with a degree in Business (B Bus).  Sharon started the business on the realisation that a lot of small and medium-sized businesses struggle with their accounts and pay people to do jobs they can do themselves if empowered with skills and training.

Sharon's vision for CW Chartered Accountants is to benefit businesses holistically through her accounting expertise and business experience. It’s horrifying to think some people are still doing their books the same way as 40 years ago!  

Whether your business has 5 or 100 employees, CW Chartered Accountants will help your business make your own informed decisions. We will train you and help remove outdated processes by in most cases teaching you how to use the software fully.  With an holistic approach, we will review  all aspects of the business from health & safety, insurance for the business & owners, advertising, software and strategy.  

Sharon loves to pass her experience and knowledge on to clients. She has experience from employment in the commercial sectors, dairy industry, foodservice and not-for-profits. This includes being a Registered Business Mentor of New Zealand and a previous Board Member and Volunteer Chartered Accountant for a Charitable for dementia patients.

Working in public practice business advisory for large and small employers,  Sharon helped match suitable accounting and payroll software to clients and ongoing training to formulate good accounting practices for the business owners and staff.

Sharon would love to have a conversation with you about how she can empower you with knowledge and skills to make your business more efficient and profitable.  Click below to have a conversation with CW Chartered Accountants.


To empower our team & business owners to make great decisions

Our Core Values

Be Passionate Communicators

Be Passionate communicators to ensure all value added transactions.

Community Building

To provide and encourage pro bono expertise in the community 

Creating Supportive Client Networks

We believe in connecting our clients to other professionals in the community.

Our open networking events have been invaluable for our clients, creating opportunities to discuss business concerns and meet other professionals in a relaxed environment – whether it’s over a morning latte or an evening pizza!

We empower you to build supportive connections with other businesses, because that’s what helps your business grow and evolve.

The Boss Ladies Hamilton - Informal Coffee Catchup

Sharon facilitates an informal monthly meeting for women to simply support each other, whether they are in business or participate as individuals to enjoy quality time away from the usual routine of daily life. 

Last year we celebrated the fourth birthday for Boss Ladies.

The group has now grown to over 100 ladies who live in the Waikato.

If you would like to join, please contact Sharon. No fees just an e-mail address to sent the place and dates each month.

Monthly Pizza and Golf Events

Sharon provides free golf and pizza for trades people to take time out, put down the tools and spend time 'on' their business instead of only working 'in' the business. It's a fun and casual way to open up and talk about common issues. 

Embracing technology is also a regular topic of discussion such as looking at job scheduling apps, costing of projects and even asset management.